What is a Work-cation?

What is a Work-cation?

Before we came up with the name WorkMango we explored a lot of different options such as “Deskination”, “Work-cation” or “Workation” as one does, but for one reason or another we ended up with WorkMango and we really like it…

So what’s the idea?

As a direct result of the global pandemic of 2020 - Workations have grown in popularity recently, yet apart from the name, it’s still not absolutely certain what they actually entail. That is a) because they are a recent trend and b) they are what you make them. 
Could it be just another word for sabbatical? Or is it a disruptive new trend that's set to revolutionise work as we know it? Time will tell…

What is clear is this:
A workation (sometimes spelled workcation) is a working vacation (in the UK it might be referred to as a workoliday, or a woliday).
It is the ability to work while away from the office from a place where people tend to go on holiday – thus combining work and vacation, blending leisure time with productive time to make a workation. 
And that is what WorkMango is – a drive to transform “work from home” into “work from paradise” because, why work from home – when you can work from paradise? 
If all you need is decent wifi to work remotely why not do that while integrating elements of leisure that let you unwind, relax and be more productive?

With many businesses in 2020 still working remotely and not planning to get back in to the office until after March 2021 – there is an opportunity, not just now but going forward to get into a place where there is a better work-life balance for employees. Enabling people to be more productive and to live a more fulfilling life. Allowing them to work to live rather than living to work.
Companies focused on employee wellbeing will embrace this new movement and trend as a way to increase long-term productivity, retention and loyalty.

Cultural shifts and technology make it all possible, from direct flights to laptops, collaboration tools, project management software, messaging and teleconferencing platforms, and all kinds of time-tracking gizmos that aid remote work.
Is a workation the same as a sabbatical?

Nope. A sabbatical generally involves not working, although it can involve activities that progress your career, such as training, volunteering, or studying for a qualification.

A workation would only include rest at the usual times - after the workday or at weekends (if you work a standard 5-day week).
 “…let’s be clear - I’m not advocating workcations in lieu of actual vacations. Rather, I’m advocating them in addition to your real time off. Taking a workcation gives you a chance to get a change of scenery, without using your precious vacation days. You still get to enjoy a fun new place or spend time with far-off loved ones during your nights and weekends (and lunches), but you don’t have to deal with the stress of preparing for, missing, and recovering from a week off of work.”

What’s the difference between working remotely and going on workation?  

Not much, other than the time involved. With remote work, requesting it as a permanent arrangement is an option, but that might be a big ask for the management, especially if they're a big corporate or aren't so progressive.
In theory, a workation would be less of a commitment than full-time remote - they're designed to be temporary trips rather than new lifestyles.

An additional week at the end of your family holiday where you switch to working and your family continue hitting the beach - not a bad way to make the most of the summer holidays.

What about a month off to head on a long haul flight to an exotic destination.
Or maybe even an extended stay with family or friends who've moved abroad.
But persuading a boss that it's feasible might be a challenge. You're going to have to prove your trustworthiness away from the office, and show that it won't affect your productivity.

What are the benefits of a workation?
Workations might be attractive to companies that offer unlimited holiday time - rather than have employees disappear for weeks at a time, they could be encouraged to take workations instead - although it could be argued this doesn’t make for a good work-life balance. (We’ve written before about the downsides to unlimited allowance, and workations probably aren’t a fix.)

In theory, on workation you can travel for longer periods of time than a regular holiday - you can see the world while still earning money. It’s likely to change up your routine, and help refresh your creativity & outlook on the world. That’s definitely a good thing.
Finally, if you're unable to get holiday time approved due to staffing issues, a workation could be a solution.

So if you want to see some new scenery and spend your evening time on the beach instead of on Netflix, a workation could be a good idea.

What are the downsides to a workation?  

Downsides? Surely not?
Well, the title of this Mic.com article might dampen your enthusiasm: “What is a workation? This hot new travel trend might be the saddest sign of our times.”
It laments the modern loss of work-life balance and highlights the absurdity of spending a load of money to travel somewhere exotic and waste it by working all day.
It’s true - expenses will include airfare, accommodation, food & drink (as you’re unlikely to be cooking for yourself), plus renting office space or a hot-desk at a coworking space. Your employer might cover some of this, but it's unlikely if they're already paying for office space back home.  

If you’ve got kids and a mortgage, it's going to be difficult. Unless you can somehow rent your home out  - but the effort needed to make that work might not be worth it, especially with the diminishing returns of rentals in the UK property market.
When I went travelling in 2018 I had planned to build a business on the road, and it just didn’t work. Travelling - even just being in a new place - can refresh you but can also prove a heavy cognitive burden as you adapt to different surroundings and culture. Coming home and finding a regular spot to work (even if it is in rainy Manchester) was the best thing I could do for my productivity.
There’s a danger with workations that the lines between work and rest are blurred so that you won’t be able to switch off properly. Can you really enjoy the sun-drenched vistas of the Dominican Republic if your phone is pinging with Slack messages you're not allowed to ignore?

Also, there will be tax and right-to-work implications if you’re working abroad. Many digital nomads and freelancers ignore this, but if you’re working in a country you’re not a citizen of, you’ll need a working visa, which are significantly harder to get than a tourist visa.
Admittedly, it’s hard for authorities to track, and many of us will have replied to an urgent work email while away on holiday (which is technically working), but do you really want to risk it with today’s all-encompassing digital paper trails? (And for UK workers travelling in the EU, this topic will only get more complicated in the near future.)

Workations straddle a strange line between holiday, remote work, and sabbatical. There are situations where they might work, but one of those three would probably a better choice.
What do you think? Should we build a ‘workation’ option into Timetastic? Or is it too niche?