Lock-down Package Announcement

Lock-down Package Announcement

With Boris Johnston announcing a roadmap to get the UK ready for the nation fully opening upon the 21st June. We at Work Mango can’t help to be excited for our community. It won’t be long until friends and family can meet, break bread and enjoy each other’s company. It has been a testing 15 months of necessary restrictions, and it’s no surprise that optimism for some sort of normality is clearly widespread.

With June being only four months away, we can’t help but feel that most are wondering what the ‘new normal’ looks like as we all come out of the pandemic. What will going back to work post pandemic be like? We are all asking ourselves what big changes need to be made as we come out on the other side. With health and wellbeing garnering headlines for the past few months. We made the decision to launch Work Mango to allow the opportunity to make necessary change by relocating to the Caribbean for those longing for a more balanced approach to life.

We at Work Mango strive to continue our mission, offering our community the chance to spend their last days of lock down in paradise. Our dedicated team are well versed with all regulations relating to relocation, in the UK as well as Antigua and Barbados. Our priority is to move you and your loved ones safely, we are here to plan your move down to the last detail.

If you have ever dreamed of white sand, waking up to the sound of waves clashing and spending your weekends swimming in an ocean of deep blue hues. Join us for our ‘last hurrah’ package from 21st March to 21st June. Spend your last days of lock down in paradise with your nearest and dearest. Come back refreshed, with a new lease of life and a newfound appreciation for your own new normal.

Work Mango puts the safety of its members and colleagues as top priority. We are continuously seeking government advice on relocation regulations to ensure we keep to all countries travel policies. We understand that regulations are ever changing. We strive to keep up to speed and comply with all up to date policies, adhering to government guidelines every step of the way.